Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Top 5 Most Beautiful Latina Celebrities in 2011

Oftentimes, newcomers to any country learn about the culture and language by watching television programs. So to help you get a feel for the single women on the Latin Girls Network, we thought we would put together this little top 5 of Most Beautiful Latina Celebrities. These are actresses to look for when you are flipping channels or surfing the web. Whatever show, movie or ad they are in, chances are, the Latin girls on our online dating network are familiar with it. Are you curious who are considered as the most beautiful Latin stars? Take a look, but no peaking.

Gabriela Spanic
5.) We open up our countdown with the alluring, an award-winning actress from Venezuela.

Gabriela, or Gaby as she is also known, was born on December 10, 1973. She played multiple roles in one of the most popular telenovelas: "La Usurpadora," "Por Tu Amor," "La Intrusa," "Tierra de Pasiones," "Soy Tu Duena." including her stints playing both roles of identical twins. Gaby is the only actress, who has pulled off this feat twice in her career.

Her ethnic background is mixed as he mother was British and her father, Croatian, hence the Spanic [spa*neech] last name. Although neither of her parents were Venezuelan by blood, her mother and father immigrated to Venezuela in 1947.

Among her many accolades, Gabriela was awarded for her devoted acting talent as well as Best Actress for her role in "Tierra De Pasiones".

4.) Next on the list is Thalia, a Mexican actress, songwriter, and singer.

Thalia is actually a shortened version of Ariadna Thalia Sodi Miranda. On Augist 26, 1971, Thalia was born to scientist/doctor/criminoligist/writer father and a painter mother. At the tender age of five, Thalia's father passed away only to be raised by her single mother, who currently works as Thalia's manager.

Throughout her career, Thalia's record sales have surpassed the 40 million mark worldwide. Part of her success and charm could be attributed to the fact that she can sing in over 5 different languages. Apart from her successful music career, she, too, has dabbled in the dramatic arts of the telenovela world. Thalia managed to land herself a principle role on one of Mexico's more popular soap operas, "Miramar," and "Maria la del Barrio."
Thalia has proven to both her fans and her critics that she is much more than just another pretty face. Through hard work and perseverance, she managed to accomplish many achievements in different fields of art and business.

Barbara Mori
3.) And now onto our top half of the list of Latina Celebrities. At number three, aka the bronzer, we present to you, Barbara Mori, Urugayan/Mexican model and actress.

If Barbara's last name, Mori, didn't sound very Latin to you, that would be because she is of mixed heritage. Born on February 2, 1978, Barbara Mori's mother and father blessed  her with a blend of Japanese, Uruguayan, Basque, and Lebanese heritage. Her unique make-up caught the eyes of modeling scouts at an early age.

When she was 14 years old, fashion designer Marcos Toledo noticed the gorgeous youngster working as a waitress. He offered her a modeling contract on the spot and the rest, as they say, was history. From that point forward, success would propel her into adulthood. By the time she turned 17, Ms. Mori was already a completely independent young girl. Further on down the line, Barbara Mori managed to become a well-known actress and eventually sky-rocketed to international fame after she landed a role as Natasha in the romance flick, Kites directed by Anurag Basu.
Ana Paula Arosio

2.) Be patient, dear fellows, we are so close to revealing our top 5's top celeb Latina, but first, let's pay homage to our runner up, Ana Paula Arosio.

Born July 16th of 1975 in Sao Paulo, Ana is one of the most popular actresses/models in Brazil. Much like the other celeb Latinas on our list, Ana started her career at a very young age.

When Ana was just 12 years of age, she was discovered by some modeling agents at a local supermarket. Very shortly thereafter, Ana transcended the borders of her home country to become a well-known model outside of Brazil as well. Ana is another successful celebrity, who achieved her recognition on different fields of entertainment industry.

1.) Atop our list of the most beautiful Latina celebrities sits Natalia Marisa Oreiro Iglesias. All hail the queen, baby.

Although she missed being the youngest on our list by a matter of months, Natalia Oreiro does hold the distinction as the youngest of the lot to start their career in the entertainment game. Born May 9th of 1977, Natalia wasted no time in following her dream. At the age of 8, little Natalia was already deep in her studies of the theatrical arts. By the time she was 12 years old, she was auditioning for various advertising agencies.

Barely into her teens, the up-and-coming Natalia had notched thirty plus principle roles in TV and print ads that aired during highly rated telenovela programs. To keep her momentum building towards something greater, Natalia took her act on the road to Argentina. She was just 16 at this point. There she took on a new dimension as a pop singer.

Natalia Oreiro's cross over appeal vaulted her to international fame, but you would never guess where. Likened to Hasslehoff and Germany, the over-the-top antics of soap opera vixen, Muneca Brava, adorned Natalia to the Russian soap opera fans. She actually ended up relocating to Russia to star in Russian dramas. From Uruguay to Argentina to Russia with love...and she's not done yet.

When it comes to the web, who doesn't like a ranked list? Add the celebrity factor and a "most beautiful" to the criteria and voila, you have yourself some good water-cooler conversation fodder. I hope you enjoyed the Top 5 Most Beautiful Latina Celebrities countdown. I will be back shortly to introduce some other unique top 5s and maybe even 10s. If you are more into finding a beautiful Latin girl to be your very own, look no further than our own online dating service, Latin Girls Network. Who knows? Maybe you'll be able to land yourself a look-alike of one of our top 5 celebs in the list. One can dream, right?

The History of Latin American Cuisine (Part 1)

Tortilla Chips, Guacamole, Pico De Gallo, Churrasco, and other yummies sound like your favorites? Then, let's  learn a bit of a history behind your favorite yummies. It's certainly that most of the cuisines are based on the resources available in the region. Latin America has always been abundant with variety of different crops, vegetables, beans, fish, and meat that are typical to the Tropical region. Moreover, an international trade and conquered cultures brought some glimpse into the variety of South American cuisine.

According to the FoodNetwork there are 6 different categories of Latin American food distinguished by the following territories:
  • Brazil
  • Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru
  • Argentina and Uruguay
  • Chile, Boliva and Paraguay
  • Caribbiean: Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and Cuba
  • Mexico
Generally speaking, Latin American cuisine covers Central and South America, Mexico, and the Caribbeans. However, some of its' food became some type of national foods in the US.

Definitely, the history of food is as diverse and unique as an actual history of the region. Long before Europeans first time stepped into the land of South America, the native people had already a clear view on agriculture, irrigation, farming system up in the mountains, and tropical harvesting. Each region has already been distinguished with its unique meal traditions. Later, the region was populated by Europeans, Africans, and Asians who added their own flavors and cultures to the cuisine. Each region kept its food traditions, but with a foreign dressing. For instance, European introduced domesticated cattle and poultry to the dinner table of Latin Americans. Asians spiced up some of the dishes with their unique flavors. While Africans added some traditions of food that they had to sustain on during the slavery period.

However, the diversity of food was not only influenced by the periods of colonization, immigration, and slavery, but also by different cultures and crops of the neighboring cultures on American continent. Planning on your visit to one of the wonders of the South America? The following is the list of the most distinct foods that you would meet at any part of the region:
  • Corn
  • Peppers
  • Avacado
  • Yucca
  • Tropical fruits such as mango, coconut, etc.
The richness of the food is not a surprise considering the love of the native people to agriculture, fishing, and harvesting. Good food might definitely make your life happier. What about Latin lady who will be waiting for you with a smile at and some delicious real South American yummies at the dinner table? Who knows may be one of the Latin girls on international online dating network Latin Girls Network is one of them and waiting for you.

The Most Important Events in the History of Latin America (Part 1)

Certainly every part of the world has its own history and important events. It's a known fact that Latin America went through long-lasting wars and multiple European invasions before the republics had a chance to become independent. Therefore, I would like to start our blog posts on some outstanding events in the history of Latin America that effected the region we know today.

First of all, let's talk about the Independence of Latin America from Spain and Portugal. In 1810, most of Latin countries took advantage during the collapse of Spain and proclaimed their independence. Only 15 years later, in 1825, Central and South America, as well as Mexico and Brazil were also free from Spanish control. Only in 1989, the Spanish-American war finally defeated Spanish control in Latin America. After Spanish and Portugal power distinction in the region, the certain parts started breaking up into small republics and finding their own ways of proclaiming independence.
As usual, when separation of power and land takes over, the tensions begin to flourish. Since Spain and Portugal were out of the government control, The War of Tripple Alliance marked as the most outrageous war in South America. Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay became an alliance against Paraguay. Everything started perplexing when,striving for a piece of land, Paraguay tried to help Uruguay to withstand attack from Brazil and Argentina. Ironically, the switch of government in Paraguay took opposite direction against its' alliances and got totally crashed. Eventually, country had a loss of thousands of its comrades and civilians.

You might already terrified if there was anything else besides wars and multiple fusses? There certainly were some positive outlooks. Last but not the least, I would like to mention the Construction of the Panama Canal which empowered international trade and worldwide shipping and let Latin America to interact with the rest of the world. According to the old records, the construction of the Canal considered as one of the most significant and remarkable triumphs in the field of engineering.

It's always impressive when your second half is acknowledged about the history of your origin. So, you have got a glimpse of Latin background, now you can easily mingle with your match on international online dating network LatinGirlsNetwork and impress her with your history snapshots.