Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The History of Latin American Cuisine (Part 1)

Tortilla Chips, Guacamole, Pico De Gallo, Churrasco, and other yummies sound like your favorites? Then, let's  learn a bit of a history behind your favorite yummies. It's certainly that most of the cuisines are based on the resources available in the region. Latin America has always been abundant with variety of different crops, vegetables, beans, fish, and meat that are typical to the Tropical region. Moreover, an international trade and conquered cultures brought some glimpse into the variety of South American cuisine.

According to the FoodNetwork there are 6 different categories of Latin American food distinguished by the following territories:
  • Brazil
  • Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru
  • Argentina and Uruguay
  • Chile, Boliva and Paraguay
  • Caribbiean: Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and Cuba
  • Mexico
Generally speaking, Latin American cuisine covers Central and South America, Mexico, and the Caribbeans. However, some of its' food became some type of national foods in the US.

Definitely, the history of food is as diverse and unique as an actual history of the region. Long before Europeans first time stepped into the land of South America, the native people had already a clear view on agriculture, irrigation, farming system up in the mountains, and tropical harvesting. Each region has already been distinguished with its unique meal traditions. Later, the region was populated by Europeans, Africans, and Asians who added their own flavors and cultures to the cuisine. Each region kept its food traditions, but with a foreign dressing. For instance, European introduced domesticated cattle and poultry to the dinner table of Latin Americans. Asians spiced up some of the dishes with their unique flavors. While Africans added some traditions of food that they had to sustain on during the slavery period.

However, the diversity of food was not only influenced by the periods of colonization, immigration, and slavery, but also by different cultures and crops of the neighboring cultures on American continent. Planning on your visit to one of the wonders of the South America? The following is the list of the most distinct foods that you would meet at any part of the region:
  • Corn
  • Peppers
  • Avacado
  • Yucca
  • Tropical fruits such as mango, coconut, etc.
The richness of the food is not a surprise considering the love of the native people to agriculture, fishing, and harvesting. Good food might definitely make your life happier. What about Latin lady who will be waiting for you with a smile at and some delicious real South American yummies at the dinner table? Who knows may be one of the Latin girls on international online dating network Latin Girls Network is one of them and waiting for you.

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